Articles on: Menu Management

Linking Menus to Locations

Linking Menus to Locations

When you add or duplicate a new menu by default the menu is not visible to your guests. To make a menu visible you have to link your menu to one or more locations. This article takes you through the steps to show or hide your menu.

Sign in to your account

On the menu screen find the menu you want to link. As show below click the options button and select the "Link to Location" option.

Linking your menu

The Link Location dialogue will popup as show below. Listed here are all of your locations which you have added to your account. Next to each location is a toggle switch that allows you to switch on of off a location. Simply toggle on a location to show a menu or toggle off to hide.

Once completed simply click the ( x ) on the top right of the screen to close the popup. You will be returned to the menu screen and. you'll notice on your menu that the Linked Location counter has changed to reflect the number of locations displaying your menu as shown below. 

Updated on: 24/02/2021

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