Articles on: Menu Management

Menu Item Indicators

Menu Item Indicators

In this article we take you through the steps of using indicators on your menu items.

What are Indicators?

Indicators are small icons that are placed next to the title of your dishes and items. You can have one or many indicators assigned to an item. The purpose of idnicators is to give guest a visual representation dietary guidance.

How to use indicators

Adding and removing icons is very straight forward just add a new item or edit an existing one, half way down the Item Manager dialogue you will find the indicator section. Juust click the relevant indicator to switch on or off as shwon in the anomation below:

This is how indicators look on your menu

When you use indicators on your menu items the platform automatically generates an icon key at the bottom of your menu screen, so customers can reference what an icon means. The icon keys are dynamically generated only showing the indictors in use.

The Icons

Currently we support the following indicators and associated icons which are shown below.

if you would like more indicators, send us your requests and the most popular will be added.

Updated on: 19/08/2021

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