Modifiers and Item Options
Menu Item Modifiers
In this article we take you through the steps of adding options to a menu item. This allows your guests to choose options or modify an item. For example if you have a Pizza item. Using this guide you can allow guests to choose optional toppings to the Pizza item.
Accessing the menu item modifiers
On the main menu screen find the menu you wish to build or edit. If you have not created any menu yet please read this guide first
As shown on the screen below click the Edit Menu button.
Choose a section
Next you need to click the section that has items that you would like add options
Access the Modifiers and options builder
On selection a section the items for the section will appear on the right of your screen. At the top you will see a green button "Modifiers & Options" as shown below
Click the green button to access the builder, you will see the following popup screen:
Now click the Add Modifier green button and the popup window will show the main builder screen.
Now complete the following steps to add a modifier
1) Enter a name or questions for you modifier
2) Add your choices you can add multiple options here. If the option has no charge add 0.00 in the price field.
3) Choose if the guest is required to choose a option
4) If for example this modifier can only allow 1 choice select yes and increment the number
5) Finally choose which items should show this modifier and then click the Save button.
The following is an example of a modifier with 2 choices, where the guest must select one choice and the modifier only shows on one item.
On clicking the Save button you will see the following screen showing your new Modifier.
You can add multiple modifiers to a section by clicking the Add button. You can also edit an existing modifier by simply clicking on it in the list below the green button.
Should you require any assistance please reach out to the Menuflow team on live chat and we will be happy to help.
Updated on: 30/12/2022
Thank you!